Following the success of "Dream High", another idol-themed drama will be making its way to the small screen. Titled "Big Hit", the 13-episode long drama co-produced by "Drama Cube" and "E Channel" held its first production conference on April 18th. The drama centers its focus on the debut and promotion process of virtual rookie four member idol group, 'Big Hit'. The drama is also unique in that it features two cast members that are actually training to debut in the industry later this year. PD Park Chan Yool revealed that as it is being broadcast through a cable channel, not public, the drama will delve into some of the more realistic and controversial issues surounding the entertainment industry, like idol contracts. The PD assured, "We're confident that this drama will be of higher quality than 'Dream High'. It will be a completely different color, something in its own league." The four leading roles are characters that have been wounded in the face of society, but still manage to find the determination to continue working for their dreams. The PD continued, "I realize that there are similarities with 'Dream High', but the difference lies in the fact that we're using fresh faces just starting their acting and singing careers. We've already completed 70% of the filming, with content that can only be covered by a cable channel." The cast includes an all-rookie line-up, including Kim Joo Young, Oh Song, Choi Ara, Jo Sung Wook, and Jo Sung Woo. The drama will begin airing through E Channel on April 21st. Source: SPN via Naver, Hankyung
New idol-themed drama, "Big Hit", to feature two upcoming debuts
Posted by 42 pts Monday, April 18, 2011
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