MTV Korea will be launching a unique new music show titled "The Show" this month. The music show will be featuring a slew of popular artists performing under different themes for each episode; spotlighted artists will be performing under the standard titles of 'Hot Artist,' 'Super Rookie,' and 'Comeback Singer.' The program will also be making use of their 'MTV Asia Chart' to present hit tracks from different Asian countries. The most unique concept of the show, however, will be a 'Special Unit' that asks artists to team up outside of their own groups for fun performances that MTV hopes will set its show apart from others. The fixed hosts for the show are SECRET's Hyosung and f(x)'s Luna, and they will be the first up to perform as a special unit. The two commented, "We've always wanted to try MCing for music programs, so we're glad to have received the opportunity. We'll be working hard to turn this into the best music program." The first recording will be held on April 12th, and will feature a total of 15 artists including Kim Tae Woo, Wheesung, Rainbow, Clover, Kim Hyung Joon, and Tony An. The pilot episode will air on the 15th at 7:30 PM KST through the global MTV channel network. Source: Sports Korea via Nate
MTV Korea launches new music show, "The Show"
Posted by 42 pts Tuesday, April 5, 2011
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