Recently, actress Lee Se-Eun shared a photo of herself with her co-star, T-ara's Qri, from the set of KBS 1TV's historical drama, "King Geunchogo". The actress wrote, "Young mother Hongran lost the maknae title!" Lee Se-Eun was originally the maknae of the castmates, but with Qri's recent casting as her daughter, Qri had naturally become the new maknae of the set. Reflecting over the change, she expressed, "The staff members are all smiles. I've gotten a daughter that looks exactly like Hongran in the drama. We're actually six years apart. I have to become a more dignified Hongran now." Source: Newsen via Nate
Actress Lee Se-Eun welcomes T-ara's Qri as the new maknae of "King Geunchogo"
Posted by 42 pts Wednesday, April 13, 2011
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