Just a couple days ago, fans were treated with some exclusive photos and a teaser video for Girl's Day's upcoming release, "Twinkle Twinkle". On March 16th, additional concept photos of members Jihae, Yura, Minah, Hyeri, and Sojin were unveiled, showing off a radical transformation into cute schoolgirls. The girls had previously rocked a "bad girl" look for their "Nothing Lasts Forever" promotions. DreamTea Entertainment stated, "'Twinkle Twinkle' revolves around a high-school love story, for which the image concept became 'fresh and cute' and somewhat sporty. The new song is sure to uplift one's mood." Some positive responses from netizens include, "Girl's Day is really cute and lively," and "Definitely a radical transformation, very good." Meanwhile, Girl's Day is set to put on their first live performance on the March 17th broadcast of "M! Countdown". [gallery] Source + Photo: Star News
More concept photos from Girl's Day released
Posted by 3 pts Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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