Actress Kim Min Seo has officially been casted for an upcoming KBS drama title, "Baby-faced Beauty". Working alongside Daniel Choi and Jang Nara, Kim Min Seo will play the role of a fashion designer who gets fired from her job at the age of 34; she then decides to lie about her age in order to receive a better chance at getting hired elsewhere. The drama has been described as being more of a romantic comedy, which surprised many netizens as they were expecting something more serious. Shortly after she joined the cast, Kim Min Seo stated, "I was found as all-around attractive, so I'm expected to play my character real well. Hopefully, I am the right person; I'll work my hardest." The drama will broadcasting its first episode on May 2nd. Source + Photo: MK Daily News via Daum
Kim Min Seo joins cast for upcoming KBS drama, "Baby-faced Beauty"
Posted by 3 pts Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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