Despite never having formally debuted in Japan, Super Junior received an overwhelming rush of fans immediately upon their arrival for their "Super Show 3" tour. Dozens of cars followed the boys out of the airport and traveled right alongside them to each of their destinations. Held at the Yokohama Arena on February 18th, fans were seen crowding outside the concert hall in the early morning with various "Super Show 3" merchandise. A truck wrapped in pictures of the group toured around the city as well, allowing fans to stop and take special photos in memory of the event. Super Junior released "Super Junior Japan Limited Special Edition - Super Show 3" on February 16th in celebration of their three-day stay, which managed to rank in at 8th place on Oricon's daily album chart. [gallery] Source + Photos: TV Daily via Daum
Super Junior receives a warm welcoming in Japan
Posted by 42 pts Saturday, February 19, 2011
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