Brown Eyed Girls' Narsha has managed to close up the gap between her age and her looks by presenting her fans with a new 'elementary student' concept photo, complete with an apple hairstyle and puffed up cheeks. The singer joked on her Twitter, "Ah, am I really allowed to be like this? Have you seen such a youthful person?" Shortly after, she tweeted another photo with the caption, "Riding on your support, this is 'Cutie Part 2'~ Hehehehehehe" Through her two photos, Narsha managed to prove that 30 years is just a number, and she could still pull off the cute look. Netizens commented, "What happened to our adult idol?," "How can she be so cute with just an apple hair!," and "Puffed up cheeks? So adorable!" Source: TV Daily via Nate Photos: Narsha's Twitter
Brown Eyed Girls' Narsha shares her 'cutie' pictures
Posted by 42 pts Thursday, February 10, 2011
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