4minute's maknae, Sohyun, shared a 'reversal' set of pictures with her fans through her personal Twitter, showing off the image changes she's able to pull off with her new hairstyle. On February 8th, she tweeted, "Doesn't my backside look like a student? But! The front side is dazed..." She does look extra school girlish with the square backpack from behind, but her dazed expression still gives off the same cute flair. Fans replied back, "So daebak cute!" and "From the front, you look cute, but from the back, you look tired..." Can you really tell if somebody is tired from the back? Either way, what do you think of the diverse range of images she's now able to present? Source: MyDaily via Nate
4minute's Sohyun presents her double image to fans
Posted by 42 pts Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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