Due to the recent conflicts revolving around KARA, the member's individuals activities have been gaining a lot of attention. SBS's 'Heroes' has revealed that Nicole will not be attending the January 31st recording. A representative revealed, "Since we have previously recorded material, [episodes with Nicole] will continue to be broadcasted until the middle of February." Despite the fact that the group has decided to continue with their 5-member activities, Landmark lawyer Hong Myung Ho explained, "Discussion has only been done regarding the larger parts; we haven't been able to bring much attention to the member's individual activities yet... We plan to discuss all the affairs with DSP Media within the next few days and we expect for those matters to be decided then... I don't believe the meeting will occur any later than this weekend." Source: Newsen via Nate
Posted by 6 pts Friday, January 28, 2011
KARA's Nicole will miss scheduled recording for SBS's 'Heroes'
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