Multi-talented Goo Hye Sun recently dished on her close friendship with actress Han Hyo Joo via Twitter. On the 25th, Goo Hye Sun tweeted, "We came back from the GMF [Grand Mint Festival]. Hyo Joo performed together with No Reply. As for myself, I stood from afar and cheered her on timidly. I was proud of her." Goo Hye Sun was probably yelling from the inside when she heard that Han Hyo Joo was chosen as the 'Grand Mint Festival lady' for this year. Netizens who saw the attached pictures replied, "I like seeing you two together", "I hope you two stay friends for a long time", "Wow! Both of you look really pretty!" For those of you not in the loop, Goo Hye Sun and Han Hyo Joo acted alongside each other on MBC's 2005 sitcom 'Nonstop 5'. It's nice to know that even entertainers can maintain such close relations with one another, don't you think? Source: Newsen Photo: Goo Hye Sun's Twitter
Goo Hye Sun's tweets about her close friendship with Han Hyo Joo
Posted by 0 pt Monday, October 25, 2010
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