Davichi's Kang Min Kyung recently revealed an interesting picture over her twitter with the caption, 'I got slapped in the morning. Hehe, it's fun.' In the picture, she had her hand covering her red right cheek, and looked as if she were going to cry. The netizens showed concern for the red mark on her face, which looked like a hand print. Fans don't have to fear as the picture was taken during the filming of SBS weekend drama 'Smile, Mom', where Kang Min Kyung is challenging her skills as an actress for the first time. The picture was taken from a scene in the drama, where she gets slapped after receiving fierce opposition from her mother. 'Smile, Mom' partners Hong Sung Chang PD from 'You're Beautiful' and scriptwriter Kim Soon Ock from 'Temptation of Wife'. It will air November 6th. Source: NTN Picture: Kang Min Kyung's twitter
Davichi's Kang Min Kyung was slapped in the face?
Posted by 0 pt Friday, October 15, 2010
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