With celebrities opening new Twitter accounts each day, there has been a recent discovery of accounts impersonating Kim Hyun Joong and 4Minute's Hyuna. Netizens discovered an account named @Actorhyunjoong impersonating the actual star, with his profile linking Kim Hyun Joong's official homepage, and his first tweet stating, "Hello, i'm Kim HyunJoong." The impersonator also left a message to singer Wheesung, calling him a 'senior', all while conversing with fans through messages such as, "I hope that all of my fans spend every day full of good health and smiles. I will return as a person that always tries his best! Thank you, and I love you." Kim Hyun Joong's agency, Keyeast, replied, "Kim Hyun Joong does not have a Twitter." A 4Minute HyunA impersonator was discovered as well under the account @4minhyuna. The profile links to HyunA's Cyworld minihompy, and has messages sent to Sunmi and Beast's Yong Junhyung. HyunA's agency, Cube Entertainment, stated, "It is not HyunA's Twitter." So until the next time, beware of who you follow.
Kim Hyun Joong & HyunA do not have Twitter accounts
Posted by 42 pts Friday, September 17, 2010
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