Along with the promising cast of SS501's Kim Hyun Joong, Jung So Min, and Lee Tae Sung, it was announced and confirmed that Lee Si Young would be joining the cast. She's going to be playing a girl named Yoon Hye Ra, a girl with great beauty and lots of brains. She's also the vice president of the tennis club, something that she has a lot of passion for. Lee Si Young (Yoon Hye Ra) will also play as the rival of Jung So Min. A representative from the drama's agency stated, "We're aware that Lee Si Young is extremely talented in acting, and we're confident that she is going to be very successful." The drama will air its debut episode on September 1st, so stay tuned!
Lee Si Young becomes a rival in 'Playful Kiss'
Posted by 3 pts Tuesday, August 17, 2010
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