ZE:A member Kwanghee revealed a picture of himself with presents from fans congratulating him on his 23rd birthday.
Five pictures relating to Kwanghee's birthday were posted on ZE:A's me2day. In the pictures, Kwanghee is shown widely smiling with various presents, including cake, shoes, and t-shirts. In addition, one of the presents caught the public's attention, as it appeared to be a t-shirt showing a picture of Kwanghee and a beagle mixed together, further proving Kwanghee's nickname as "the human beagle." Regarding this t-shirt, the idol stated, "I'll use this as my pajama shirt."
Fans who saw these pictures commented, "Please wear that t-shirt on television," "Kwaghee oppa, who is rising as a star in the variety world, have a happy happy birthday," and "Kwanghee oppa happy birthday and I hope you become the center of the variety world."
Fans congratulate Kwanghee on his 23rd birthday

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