After School's beautiful member UEE is scheduled to star in an upcoming golf drama titled Birdie Buddy. In the drama, UEE plays the role of Sung Mi Soo, a poor girl from the country-side of Korea (Gangwon providence), doesn't have much but she's very street smart and tough. Sung Mi's mother (Yoon Yoo Sun) works as a golf caddy at a famous golf course. One day, Sung Mi goes to work with her mother and accidentally touches an 8-iron, after that incident she becomes infatuated with golf and dreams of being a famous golf star. On the journey she encounters Lee Da Hee who plays the role of villainous Min Hae Ryung, a beautiful girl from a rich family. Min Hae has access to all the top golf instructors and golf courses and lives a very privileged life, opposite of Sung Mi. They both form a rivalry and become involved in a love triangle with Lee Yong Woo, who plays the role of a hot shot PGA golf pro named John Lee. The drama has been filming since March and is scheduled to air some time over the summer. It's been reported that UEE has been working hard at learning the game of golf for this drama. With a lot of Korean golfers being successful internationally these days it was only natural to see a Korean drama about golf. It's also interesting to see how UEE will portray this role, contrasting from her villainous role in the popular drama You're Beautiful. Anyways, check out the official posters from the drama below and thanks to teekee_ for the tip. [gallery]
UEE Poster for upcoming drama Birdie Buddy
Thursday, May 27, 2010
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