On a recent broadcast of MBC's World Changing Quiz, MBLAQ's Lee Joon and 2AM's Jo Kwon duked it off in --what else?-- a limbo battle, much to the delight of many fans. Both contestants were strong contenders in this match, so the outcome was up in the air until the ending. Jo Kwon has proven his flexibility with his ssanti skills and exercises. Supposedly, Lee Joon's limbo skills were passed down from the singer's senior idol Rain; after showing off his body and back in the past, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for Lee Joon to show off his impressive limbo skills as well. I won't spoil the winner of the battle for y'all, so watch the video to find out who dipped the lowest and came out on top! First, Jo Kwon channeled some power from his wife Ga-in with Abracadabra... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfDHMNWTj-o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B319bZAkqI Thanks to Mary for the tip.
Idol Limbo Battle: Jo Kwon vs Lee Joon

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