
Details of JYPE's conference with Hottests regarding Jaebeom & 2PM

Posted by delacroix0 pt Saturday, February 27, 2010

We have previously reported various fan rumors regarding the content of fan conference that JYP Entertainment held to discuss departure of Jaebeom. As more details are released and previous rumors are confirmed or refuted, this is the second edition to our report on this matter. The conference lasted four hours, and the content was not released to the press by JYPE as they insisted that they cannot reveal what was said during the conference. This lead to many fan-created rumours about the conference. Oneday Room, a Korean fan page of 2AM and 2PM, released a summary of questions and answers. I've personally translated this transcript into English for our readers: Q: Underground (fanclub) submitted a new question sheet according to your request for a new one but you still have not answered to it. A (Representative): We could not give any false answers to the questions as we were planning on announcing Jaebeom's departure in late February, due to Jaebeom's request. We wanted to talk truthfully in this conference. Q: Fans seek to communicate with JYPE. In an event like this where you are to communicate the company's position, why did you bring 2PM members who are not a part of decision making process within the company? A (Representative): We believe that a conference like this could take place if the members spoke truthfully. If only the company representatives came, the fans wouldn't believe us. Q: We fans who are present right now will consider members who are here as representatives of JYPE and not a part of group 2PM, and consider the words that come out of your mouths as the words of the company. JYPE's official statement says that the 6 members agreed on what was decided regarding Jaebeom on January 6th. Do any of you disagree with any of the said statements? A (Members): We agree to the statement. Q: Assuming the statement is true, why did you torture the fans and bring sympathy to yourselves by mentioning Jaebeom's name even after January 6th? A (Members): Jaebeom being a good friend is a different matter from him leaving the group. We don't think it's a problem for us to say that we miss him. We think even in future that we can say that we miss him if we miss him, and we don't think that is a problem at all. Q: We request that following details on termination of contract between Jaebeom and JYPE be answered and also request that you show us supporting documents as proof. When was the contract officially terminated? A: February 26th. Q: After the termination, what legal rights does JYPE hold regarding Jaebeom and how long do you hold those rights for? A: We do not hold any legal rights. Q: When does Jaebeom get paid indemnity and his share of profit? A: There is no indemnity. His share of profit up to December was paid in full during January. Q: Promise that there aren't any clauses that limit him from returning to the entertainment industry in future. A: There are no such clauses. Q: We request JYPE be responsible this situation as they were not looking after their entertainer Jaebeom with utmost care. JYPE released statement filled with unclear words and thus made rumours surrounding Jaebeom and 2PM spread. Please tell us what you plan on doing about the rumours and what you plan on doing about damage done to Jaebeom, his family and the rest of 2PM. A (Representative): JYPE is not responsible for personal matters of its entertainers and thus we believe that Jaebeom should be responsible for everything that he has caused. In a logical sense, Jaebeom is the wrongdoer and the company and the 6 members are the victims. Q: Has JYPE done anything to protect Jaebeom from related news articles and TV programs since last September 5th? Requesting news articles and comments to be deleted aren't hard, so why did you just watch the fire spread? A (Representative): We have never requested news articles and comments to be deleted before the September incident. But we had tried our best. After the September incident, we have tried to delete comments and such, but the number of news articles regarding the incident was so large that we could not handle it all. Plus, the media is uncontrollable by us. I hope you understand our situation. Q: According to JYPE's statement, JYPE made final decision on Jaebeom on January 6th, but delayed announcing this fact for a month and 20 days, continuously using Jaebeom for marketing throughout the period. Even if the company did not directly and intentionally use Jaebeom for marketing, why did you just watch media sources use Jaebeom's name? A (Representative): It is true that final decision was made on January 6th. However, we agreed with Jaebeom to announce this matter in late February so we could not request anything to the media. Again, the media cannot be controlled by JYPE. Q: Isn't JYPE responsible for announcing the reason of Jaebeom's termination as, of all things, "serious personal wrongdoing"? A (Representative): We had reasons for that. We did not want the 6 members to be traitors. The 6 is more important than the one. We also could not lie in a statement written to be viewed by the entire nation. In practical sense, the 6 members are the victims and if we did not reveal the reason truthfully, then it would have created more rumors. That is why we revealed the reason truthfully, as "serious personal wrongdoing." Q: We are told that only the members and few within the company know what wrong Jaebeom has done. If it is indeed a serious matter then we as fans do not want it to be released to the public either. However, since only few within the company and the members know of the incident, can we assume that if the details do slip out into the public then it had been released by JYPE? A: We hope that the details do not get released to the public; however, there are people who are not within the company that are part of the incident. There are possibilities of them releasing the matters so we cannot take any responsibilities. Q: Does Jaebeom know that there is a conference happening at the moment? Does he know that JYPE's official statement says that the reason for his termination is due to personal wrongdoings? A (Nichkhun): We have texted each other up until recently and he knows that the conference is taking place. He even wanted to send a video message. (Representative): He is aware of the statement as well. Q: Is 2PM planning on selecting in a new member or electing a new leader? A (Representative & Members): No. Q: Is there no possibility of Jaebeom returning? What if he was to return as a member of a different management company? A (Representative & Members): There is no possibility of him returning as a part of 2PM. (Chansung): If Jaebeom was to return despite all that has happened, I'm all for him. However, I'm not positive about his return to 2PM. Q: Couldn't JYPE and the members ignore the issues? If the members did not agree to termination of Jaebeom, would the situation have come to this? A (Members): It was something that could not be ignored. (Representative): It was a matter that they could not disagree on, thus we believed that they would all agree. Even if they didn't, the result would have been the same. Q: The result would have been the same even if the MySpace incident did not happen? A (Members): Yes. Q: Do members take care of their Cyworld themselves? Are messages that were on the members' Cyworld after September 8th really written by the members themselves? A (Wooyoung): Yes. I felt anxious so I said I'm anxious. (Chansung): Yes. I wrote "confused" about a personal matter. It was not related to this situation. (Representative): We were asked why we do not manage our entertainers in previous conferences. Our contract does not limit entertainers' personal lives. It is something that the entertainers themselves should take care of. Q: How do the members feel about the boycott? A (Junho): We thought that Jaebeom would return so we did not care. We merely thought of it as a problem that would get solved when he came back. But I would be lying if I said we didn't feel hurt by it. If fans continue to boycott us after this, I think I'll feel that they just don't want to see us anymore. However, we will continue trying our best in singing and performing. Q: Do you realize that "serious personal wrong doing" part you wrote on the statement can be considered defamation if it was revealed to be not true? A (Representative): We wrote what is true. Q: What do you plan on doing about Jaebeom's part when performing the first and second single from now on? Also, can he receive additional profits earned by those albums in future? A (Representative): Jaebeom's part in performances is something we have to discuss among ourselves. Additional profit would be a matter that copyrights association will deal with, not JYPE. Q: Would 2PM fan club continue using the title "HOTTEST"? A (Representative): Yes. Are the 6 members not a part of 2PM? No. The 6 members are still 2PM, so we will continue to use the title HOTTEST. Q: Members made final decision on Jaebeom on January 6th. The members were currently away on vacation and were spotted with smiles on. A (Wooyoung): It was our first vacation. (Taecyeon): We are celebrities. We cannot frown in public. (Chansung): I cannot make sad faces when meeting up with relatives over holidays. What do you want? Do you want us to cause a scene during live performances, asking for Jaebeom to come back? Q: Do you know of rumors that are spreading on the Internet? Aren't you going to protect Jaebeom? A (Wooyoung): We are not abandoning him, we are protecting him. I thought that if the details were released in future, I might regret my decisions. (Chansung): Please do not question our friendship. (Junho): After being told about what he had done, I honestly hated Jaebeom. We tried our best for his return, but right now, I think that staying silent is the best I can do for him. (Taecyeon): Rumors will go away. Q: JYPE revealed that contract with Jaebeom was terminated due to personal problems. Why was he not forced to pay any indemnity although he was the one responsible? A (Representative): Other members of 2PM are promoting various products so indemnity might occur regarding that, but Jaebeom currently is not promoting any products. Thus he does not have to pay any indemnity to advertisers and although he is responsible for the termination, we decided not to charge him for anything. Stay tuned as we continue bringing you coverage of this matter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6jErjJBGRs (more to be added)

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