4minute seems to be doing pretty well these days. They have been featured on Amerie's upcoming track, burned up the Philippines and have now had the honor of meeting the world star Rihanna. Rihanna visited Korea to promote her album Rated R. While in Korea, she met 4minute at interview with an entertainment news program. If you have been living in a hole for the past few years and don't know who Rihanna is, let me tell you. She's an A-list singer with seven Grammy's under her belt that was discovered by Jay-Z and has had over seven chart topping hits, including Shut Up and Drive, Please Don't Stop the Music, Disturbia and Umbrella. 4minute's Jiyoon sang Umbrella before her debut at her music academy, an incident that reveals 4minute's love and respect for Rihanna. Unfortunately for HyunA, schedule conflicts preventing her from meeting the international pop star. She had to attend a filming session for Invincible Youth which made her miss this amazing chance. HyunA did express her sadness over the overlapping schedule. 4minute is leaving for Thailand after member Sohyun's graduation today.
4minute meets Rihanna

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