You must be thinking, what the heck is an egg-line? Well in Korea, they just invented this term. It's supposed to describe a certain face shape. A lot of people in Korea talk about having a V-line because most people like to have a triangular shaped bottom half of a face. But this time, they're going for the full-rounded egg-line. I think it's pretty obvious what an egg-line looks like. It's just round or rather oval, like an egg. A plastic surgery hospital recently held a survey with college freshmen(to-be's) asking, "Which celebrity has the most desirable egg-line." Out of the 293 people, 197 of them picked Yoona of SNSD. That's a whopping 67% of the votes. The head of the hospital said, "Yoona is an idol but also an actress. She can pull off any style. Her eggline shows off a friendly and innocent image. These days, instead of having intense clear features, people like the egg shaped face. A lot of people have been getting plastic surgery for chins like Yoona's." What's with all the food related names for body parts? Chocolate abs, honey thighs and now egg-line.
Yoona has a desirable egg-line
Posted by 5 pts Sunday, January 10, 2010
50% Upvoted
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